According to the American Thoracic Society, “cavities and gum disease are due in part to bacterial infection, which can spread to the lungs”. Children with respiratory disorders are at increased risk of developing gingivitis, erosion and periodontal disease. Asthma is a condition that constricts oxygen from entering the airways, creating a difficulty to breathe. Studies have shown that as many asthma medications are inhaled, they create a risk for dental caries, erosion and periodontal disease.
New research on respiratory health is also suggesting that bacteria found in the mouth can inflame airways, as well as create other breathing problems. According to United Concordia, studies have shown the bacteria resulting from periodontitis may travel through airways into the lungs, leading to potentially life-threatening respiratory illnesses such as pneumonia.
If your kiddo has any respiratory problems, such asthma or sinusitis, make sure to let us know before their appointment! This is helpful for us when creating a treatment plan specifically based on your kiddos needs and condition. Here at Smiles4Life, we’re dedicated to helping our patients become the healthiest versions of themselves! Questions? We’d love to help! Simply give us a call or send us a text, we’re excited to meet you!